Banner de Tu Derecho a Saber - Carpeta con documentos

En los siguientes enlaces se provee la información de la UPR que debe ser divulgada por las universidades de educación superior conforme la Ley de Igualdad de Oportunidades a la Educación Superior del Gobierno Federal  (HEOA, por sus siglas en inglés).   El acceso a esta información facilita a los estudiantes actuales, estudiantes potenciales  y a la comunidad, su orientación en los siguientes temas:

Icono de EstadísticasDesempeño Estudiantil / Student Outcomes

Icono de un malleteReglamentación y Políticas / Regulations and Policies

Centro de Investigación y Creación

Overarching Research Policies and Procedures

UPR Handbook of Policies and Procedures for Sponsored Programs

Política Institucional para la Obtención, Utilización y Fiscalización de los Fondos Externos que Recibe la Universidad de Puerto Rico para Programas Educativos, de Investigación y de Servicio Público

Política Institucional sobre el Uso Aceptable de los Recursos de la Tecnología de la Información en la Universidad de Puerto Rico

Scientific Misconduct

Radiation Safety Regulations Manual for the UPR

Time and Effort Reporting

Policy for the Promotion and Development of Research at the University of Puerto Rico

Effort Reporting Policies and Procedures at the University of Puerto Rico

Cost Sharing Cost Sharing / Matching Funds Policies and Procedures at the University of Puerto Rico

Normas Sobre Promoción y Desarrollo de la Investigación e Informes de Tiempo y Esfuerzo

Procedimiento para la Preparación de los Informes de Tiempo y Esfuerzo en el Sistema Universitario

Implementation of the Policy for the Promotion and Development of Research at the University of Puerto Rico for Professorate with Administrative Duties doing Sponsored Research during the Summer Period

Incidental Expenses Requiring Prior Authorization by External Agencies Sponsoring Projects or Programs at the University of Puerto Rico

Billing Period for External Agencies Sponsoring Projects or Programs at the University of Puerto Rico

Reporting Form 125A

Reporting Form 125B

Power Point Presentation Time & Effort

For T & E Reporting System Employee Instructions, press here.

Manual de Usuario, HRMS: Labor Distribution (ESPAÑOL)- Contains the internal procedures that guide the system, explain in detail the transactions that are generated through Oracle Labor Distribution and how to work and record distributions of salary for the personnel involved in these processes (Post Award, Finance and/or Budget).

Time and Effort Reporting Electronic System Manual– The Time & Effort Reporting at the University has changed from a paper form (125B) to an electronic system. This document limit its scope to the Electronic Time & Effort System only. For the process on allocating effort please reference to the President’s Circular.

Time and Effort Reporting Policies Procedures– This procedures are provided for accomplishing the charging, reporting and certification of effort for faculty, professional and non-professional employees.

ORCI announce the new Time and Effort Electronic System– The Office for Research Compliance and Integrity Director announces the new Electronic Time & Effort Reporting System (TERS) to the UPR.

Conflict of Interest

Policy and Guidelines for Financial Conflicts of Interests and Commitments in Research and Sponsored Programs of the University Of Puerto Rico

Form 1.A University of Puerto Rico Disclosure of Investigator’s Significant Financial Interest

Form 1.B University of Puerto Rico Disclosure of Investigator’s Significant Financial Interest

Form 2.A University of Puerto Rico Financial Conflict of Interest Annual Disclosure

Attachment 2.B University of Puerto Rico FCOI Disclosure Attachment

Powerpoint Presentation on University of Puerto Rico Financial Conflict of Interest Regulations

Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer

Patents, Inventions and its Commercialization

Institutional Policy on Patents and Inventions

Institutional Policy Regarding Intellectual Property

Reproduction of Works Protected by Copyright Law

Patent Net Income Distribution


UPR Invention disclosure

Patents and Trademarks Depositary Libraries

United States Patent and Trademark Depositary Library

Institutional Research and Research Institutes

Institutional Policy on Research

Multidisciplinary and Multicampus Research Institutes

Amendment to the Creation of Multidisciplinary and Multicampus Research Institutes (1997)

Strategic Plan for Science and Technology at the UPR

Personnel and University Environment

Certification 024-1996-1997 Adjunct Professors at UPR

Certification 135 1988-1989 Graduate Student Assistantships – Council of Higher Education

Certification 140-1999-2000 Enmendar los incisos 10.3 y 10.3.1 de la Certificación Núm. 135 (1988-891 del anterior Consejo de Educación Superior, relacionada con las ayudantías graduadas)

Certification 90-2004-2005 – Institutional Policy on Open Access to University Property

Certification 58-2004- 2005 – Policy Against Discrimination at the UPR

Circular Letter 88-07 – Institutional Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment (1988)

Circular Letter 95-06 – Amendment to Procedure for Sexual Harassment or Discrimination Complaints

Certification 32-1999-2000 – UPR Policy on Use of Illicit Drugs, Controlled Substances, and Alcohol Abuse

Certification 033-1999-2000 – UPR Regulations on Use of Illicit Drugs, Controlled Substances, and Alcohol Abuse

Certification 49-2004-2005 – Declaration of Institutional Policy for a Climate of Open Discussion and Nonviolence

Other Research Related Policies

Compilation of Institutional Research Data

New Regulations IRB Registration

Indirect Cost

R-1213-2A Indirect Costs Treatment of Facilities and Administrative Costs

Property Management

Guías para el Manejo de la Propiedad Mueble Adquirida con Fondos Federales

Circular de Finanzas 12-18 English Version

CF-13-22 Compras Servicios Pagaderos con Fondos Federales

Funding Opportunities

NIH Public Access Policy Deadline 5.25.08

Law 101 2008
Tax Incentive for Investigators

2008 Ley Núm. 101 Investigadores

P. de la C. 4220-Non-Official (Preliminary english translation)

Reglamento Hacienda Ley 101

Ley 101 Suspención de 120 dias

Memo VPIT Comunidad Científica – Ley 101

Procedimiento para determinar exención contributiva en Investigación – Revisado Septiembre 2009

Memo Incentivo Contributivo Ley 101 Asuntos Legales


Periodos Limites de Adquisiciones Cargadas a Proyectos Federales (ESPAÑOL) / Serial ORCI 2016-2017-02 Period for Adquisitions in Federal Projects (ENGLISH)– To establish internal controls so that material and equipment acquisitions charged to federal awards comply with federal regulations (2 CFR 200).

Reglamento de Compras (Español) / Certification 30 2008-2009 UPR Procurement Manual English– establish the rules and procedures to be followed at the University of Puerto Rico for the acquisition of equipment, supplies and non-personal services, streamline procedures for the acquisition of non-professional goods and services, and to ensure that these are of the highest quality. It also authorizes the incorporation of modern technological mechanisms and methods, such as the Internet among others, resulting in greater administrative and academic efficiency and a reduction of costs.

Capital Equipment Classification (Amended) ESPAÑOL- Raise cap of $5,000 to determine capital equipment and establish the codes to register property acquired at a cost equal to or greater than $1,000 and less than $5,000 (non-capital equipment and supplies).

List of Codes to be Used on Capital Equipment Purchases (ESPAÑOL)- List of UFIS codes for capital equipment equal to or greater than $ 5,000.

Campus Safety and Security Certificate
“Student’s Right to Know and Campus Security Act”
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f))
Política Institucional sobre la convivencia en la Universidad de Puerto Rico

Políticas de Desalojo “Response and Evacuation Procedures”

Ley de vacunación
Reglamento de Tránsito y Estacionamiento de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Arecibo


Política Institucional de Acción Afirmativa en el Empleo de la Mujer

Política Institucional de Acción Afirmativa de no Discriminación a Personas con Impedimentos

Política Institucional de Acción Afirmativa de no Discriminación a Veteranos(as)

Política Institucional de Acción Afirmativa de no Discriminación por Razón de Raza, Color, Religión, Género u Origen Étnico

Política contra la Discriminación en la Universidad de Puerto Rico

Ley #22 del año 2013 – Ley para establecer la política pública de Puerto Rico en contra del discrimen por orientación sexual o identidad de género en el empleo, público o privado.

Protocolo de cumplimiento, educación y capacitación sobre la política pública de erradicar el discrimen por orientación sexual o identidad de género conforme a la Ley #22 del 2013.

Declaración de Política Pública – Ley para garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades de empleo por género

Hostigamiento Sexual

Ley para prohibir el hostigamiento sexual en las instituciones de enseñanza – Ley Núm. 3 del 4 de enero de 1998

Política sobre hostigamiento sexual y procedimiento para tomar acción informal o formal sobre querellas de hostigamiento

Política Institucional contra el hostigamiento sexual en la Universidad de Puerto Rico

Violencia Doméstica, Agresión Sexual y Acecho

Ley para la prevención de la violencia doméstica

Ley contra el acecho en Puerto Rico

El protocolo para manejar situaciones de violencia doméstica y de acecho en el lugar de trabajo y estudio

Protocolo para la prevención y manejo de casos de violencia sexual en la Universidad de Puerto Rico

Registro de ofensores sexuales

Icono de Salud y SeguridadSalud y Seguridad -/ Health and Security

Icono de un teléfonoInformación de Contacto / Contact Information