Mes de las Matemáticas

Calendario Abril 2018

Calendario Abril 2017

Calendario Abril 2016

Calendario Abril 2015

Calendario Abril 2014

Investigación y Creación

Rolon, E., Nguyen, S., & Yin, G. (2024). Markovian-switching systems: Backward and forward-backward stochastic differential equations, mean-field interactions, and nonzero-sum differential games. Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 89.

Rocha-Clavijo, D., Suarez-Gomez, D., Miranda, G., Perez-Rosas, N., Luna-Alvear, A., Colom-Brana, S., Isaza, C. E., & Cabrera-Rios, M. (2024, November 4). Quantifying calcium dynamics in T cell populations: An automated analysis framework for antigen fluorescence applying functional ANOVA [Preprint]. Research Square.

Acosta-Colón, A., & Candelaria, J.F. (2018). caveGEOmap: User-friendly cave mapping software. CREG Journal,101, 9-12.

Calderón-Gómez. J.E., Medina, L.A., & Molina-Salazar, C.A. (2024). Short k rotation symmetric Boolean functions. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 343, 49-64,

Drury, K.L.S., & Candelaria, J.F. (2008). Using model identification to analyze spatially explicit data with habitat, and temporal, variability. Ecological Modelling, 214, 305-315.

Humarán Martínez, Y. T. (1999). Mathematical theory of the multidimensional discrete Fourier transform (Publication No. 1397856) [Master’s thesis, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Humarán, Y., & Pérez, R. (2010). Ventajas del uso de infinitesimales en la enseñanza del cálculo. Puentes, 1(1). University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras.

Humarán, Y., & Seguel, J. (1999). Twiddle Factor Elimination in Multidimensional FFT’s. Proceedings of the Computing Research Conference 1999. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.

Humarán Martínez, Y. T. (2012). El entendimiento del concepto de la fracción que poseen los maestros en formación para el nivel elemental. (Publication No. 3545795) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Humarán Martínez, Y. T. (2019). Using manipulatives to develop the understanding of the concept of the fraction of preservice elementary teachers: The meaning of measure. In A. Rogerson, & J. Morska (Eds.), Proceedings of the fifteenth international conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project, Germany, 4, 229-234.

Molinares, C. A., & Tsokos, C. P. (2013). Bayesian Reliability approach to the Power Law Process with sensitivity analysis. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 20(1).

Texas Instruments. (2009). Triángulos rectángulos especiales (Y. Humarán, Trans.)