EDPE 3018: THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE AT THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEVEL, three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Prerequisite: Any first course or its equivalents. This course is devoted to the analysis and discussion of the nature of the English language as it is spoken in the United States. Emphasis is placed on researching and teaching different ESL methodologies, strategies, and theories. Issues surrounding the teaching of English in Puerto Rico are discussed. The instructional materials that are used in the public elementary schools of Puerto Rico are examined. Project based activities, quasi-demonstration classes, and classroom observations are required. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3011: HONORS ENGLISH I,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Prerequisite: a score of more than 681 in the English Achievement section of the CEEB. This first year English course designed for students who possess a higher command of the English language. The course presents a vision of various literary genres such as fiction, poetry, and the short story. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3012: HONORS ENGLISH II,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Pre-requisite: INGL 3011. Other literary genres such as non-fiction and drama will be studied. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3015: ENGLISH FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Pre-requisite: INGL 3101-3102, INGL 3103-3104 or INGL 30113012. This course is designed to help students enrolled in technological and scientific programs develop English skills and vocabulary to help them in their areas of study. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3021. ORAL AND WRITTEN ENGLISH I,three (3) credits, three (3) lecture and laboratory hours per week. Prerequisites: INGL-3102 or INGL 3104 or INGL 3112. Course designed for future elementary school teachers who have to teach all classes in the curriculum including English. The student learns identification and sound production, accentuation, rhythm, and intonation. Student will have practice in the laboratory in order to correct individual difficulties. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3061: ENGLISH FOR STUDENTS OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATION,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Pre-requisite: INGL 3101, INGL 3102. Offered to a limited number of students of public communication. The course teaches students to speak and write clearly and effectively, utilizing an oral and written communication approach and a program of laboratory experiences. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3093: CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Practice to develop the skills for vocabulary acquisition. The class is held completely in English. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3094: CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONALS,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. The course is designed to improve oral expression and to increase vocabulary through reading and discussion of literary and technical texts. This course will assist in the interpretation of English textbooks. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3101: BASIC ENGLISH I,three (3) contact hours per week. This course is designed for students who score 451-480 on the English sub-test of the CEEB. This course integrates the four language skills: Listening, speaking, writing, and reading while developing students’ vocabulary and grammatical skills. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3101 Q Section,three (3) credits + one hour listening/speaking practice in the 3113 language laboratory (no credits).The course is offered to students who score 449 or under in the English section of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB). Students who score 450 or more in the CEEB are advised to enroll in the Basic English course not classified as Q sections. This course integrates the four language skills: Listening, speaking, writing, and reading while developing students’ vocabulary and grammatical skills. The offering of the course will be subject to enrollment and availability of resources. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3102: BASIC ENGLISH II,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Prerequisite: INGL 3101. This is the continuation of INGL 3101. This course integrates the four language skills: Listening, speaking, writing, and reading while developing students’ vocabulary and grammatical skills. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3103: INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH I,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. This course is designed for students who score 580-680 on the English section of the CEEB or who have the permission of the English Department chairperson. Oral and written communication are stressed as well as the reading and analysis of essays and short stories. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3104: INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH II,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Pre-requisite: INGL 3103. This is the continuation of INGL 3103 with emphasis on the analysis of the short story and poetry. The practice of research techniques is introduced. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3113: ORAL PRACTICE FOR BASIC ENGLISH I,zero (0) credits, one (1) contact hour per week. Laboratory forINGL 3101. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3114: ORAL PRACTICE FOR BASIC ENGLISH II, zero (0) credits, one (1) contact hour per week. Laboratory for INGL 3102. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3117: CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH FOR STUDY AND TRAVEL,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Designed for student who will be traveling to and studying in English-speaking country. Students will engage in communicative activities such as role-playing, dialogues, speeches, oral reports and essays, interviews, simulations, etc. The environment will serve as a living laboratory where students will apply the skills learned in spontaneous situations at shopping malls, restaurants, offices on campus, transportation systems, amusement parks, museums, theaters, sports events and activities, etc. Emphasis on pronunciation, vocabulary development, and problem-solving techniques that are needed to communicate effectively in English.
INGL 3201: GRAMMAR, COMPOSITION AND READING I,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Pre-requisite: INGL 3102. Practice in writing composition and creating oral reports upon selected readings including essays, short stories, poems, dramas and novels. Attention will be given as needed to grammar and idiomatic expressions. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3202: GRAMMAR, COMPOSITION AND READING II,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Pre-requisite: INGL 3201. Continuation of INGL 3201, with an introduction to research techniques leading to a research paper. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3221: INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE I,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Pre-requisites: INGL 3102, INGL 3104. Analysis and appreciation of the short story and essay. Oral and written practice of developed themes, taking into consideration the literary genres mentioned. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3222: INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE II,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Pre-requisite: INGL 3221. Continuation of INGL 3221. Analysis and appreciation of poetry, drama and the novel. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3230: RADICAL WOMEN’S WRITING IN THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES (Hybrid Online Course), three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. The word radical according to Merriam Webster relates to “favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions.” Given the contemporary rash of disinformation regarding gender and women’s issues, we will contemplate the use of the term to explore prominent women’s literature/feminist narratives in English through 20th and 21st century writers. Through the prismatic lens of various voices, we will explore the genres of poetry, personal narrative, short fiction and drama. These narratives will be paralleled against historical references, psychoanalytical approaches, critical texts and other frameworks in order to think critically, discuss and respond to the question of power in women’s voices, minds and bodies. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3238: INTRODUCTION TO CREATIVE WRITING, three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Theory and practice of the creation of fiction, poetry and drama. Detailed in-class criticism of student papers by instructor and fellow classmates. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3318 LITERATURE OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING CARIBBEAN, three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Pre-requisites: INGL 3102 or INGL 3104. Literatures of the English-Speaking Caribbean provides students with the opportunity to read and write critically about selected literary and cultural works from the Caribbean ranging from the eighteenth century to the contemporary moment. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INGL 3326: MINORITY LITERATURES OF THE U.S., three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Prerequisites: INGL 3101 – 3102 or equivalent. This course will introduce the works from the selected nineteenth century to present African-American, Asian-American, Native American, and Latino/a writers. The readings will cover the major traditional literary genres (autobiography, poetry, short stories, novels, and drama) but will also include those nontraditional cultural modes of collective expressions which are pertinent and influence each group’s literary tradition (e.g., spirituals, work songs, the blues, jazz, rap, salsa). the theoretical framework will include discussions of relevant cultural, feminist, and post-modern theories. A historical overview of each group and its literary tradition in the U.S. will be provided. The course will be offered in the following modalities: face-to-face, hybrid, and online.
INGL 3375: GAY AND LESBIAN NARRATIVES,three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. This course is an introduction to narratives written by and about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) persons. In discussing these texts, we will explore the representation of sexuality in language, the development of GLBT and queer politics, and the intersection of political, literary and rhetorical goals. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INCO 3005: BUSINESS COMMUNICATION I, three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Prerequisites: Basic English or its equivalent. This course is designed to provide the student with the background and training for communicating in written form facts and ideas effectively. Special attention is given to correct English usage in business writing and understanding of the principles governing all communication. Emphasis on handling problem situations through business letters and memorandums, which will influence human behavior and get the desired results, are practiced. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INCO 3025: CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH FOR SECRETARIES I, one (1) credit, two (2) contact hours per week. Prerequisites: INGL 3101 – 3102 or equivalent. This course is designed for students who are working towards completing an Associate Degree in the Information Technology Management and Administrative Processes. This course emphasizes the acquisition of vocabulary with practice in situations relevant to the office as a workplace.
INCO 4006: REPORT WRITING,two (2) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Prerequisites: Business English 3005-3006. Report Writing (INCO 4006) provides training in fundamental techniques of Business Communication. Throughout the course, students will produce samples of dynamic and effective writing concerning business situations and problems. Special emphasis is given to the procedures concerning report writing, as well as the organization, objectivity, and will practice research techniques for the collection of primary and secondary data. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
INCO 4008: STRATEGIC BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, two (2) credits, three (3) contact hours per week and one (1) hour of lab. Application of strategic business communication applied to oral and written message development in English and document design. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
LITE 3011: MODERN LITERATURE, three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. An overview of the world literature that best represents the humanism, baroque and neo- classical periods. The literary genre and changes in traditional literature are emphasized. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.
LITE 3012: CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE, three (3) credits, three (3) contact hours per week. Pre-requisite: LITE 3011. An overview of the world literature that best represents the romantic, realist and surrealist periods. The literary genre and changes in traditional literature are emphasized. This course can be taught in both traditional and distance learning educational modalities.